Croatian Direct Selling Association
Bodies of the Association-
About Direct Selling
Bodies of the Association
Main Body of the Asociation is the General Assembly.
All members of the Association participate in the work of the General Assembly and election of other bodies of the Association.
The Board is the executive body of the Association.
General Secretary of the Association is an independent person responsible for day-to-day management of the Association and providing of the support to the members of the Croatian Direct Selling Association.
Complaints Handling Officer is an independent person responsible for resolving of complaints submitted by consumers or companies against members of the Croatian Direct Selling Association.
About Direct Selling
Direct selling refers to the sale and presentation of products and services directly to consumers, through a face-to-face contact. Direct selling usually takes place away from traditional stores, at customers’ homes, in the workplaces or in some other locations. Direct selling, which includes a demonstration or presentation is performed by a salesperson commonly referred to as a direct seller.
Direct selling offers many advantages to the individuals who desire an opportunity to earn an extra income and build a business of their own. It is an ideal opportunity for consumers who enjoy an alternative to, for example, shopping centres, and who would like to be informed in details before purchase.
Direct selling offers many advantages and services to customers, such as personal presentations and more detailed explanations about a product and services, home delivery, and as an extra advantage it offers a product warranty that often exceeds the conditions prescribed by law
Furthermore, direct selling provides a channel of distribution for companies with innovative or distinctive products not readily available in retail stores. Direct selling
Why choose us?
Croatian Direct Selling Association (CDSA) is a national trade association of the leading companies which produce and distribute goods and services directly to customers.